What contributes to a toxic organisational culture ?

Attributional bias is when we overly attribute blame or cause to something. This is a very common human bias that interferes with our abilities to make fact based decisions and to see the forest through the trees. Attributional bias sometimes means we solve the wrong problems, or do not have a unified approach to a situation, and all try to ‘row the boat’ in different directions. Attributional bias is about perception, and when working with organisations that are fractured, or when the culture is even ‘toxic’, it is all too easy to blame complex cultural issues one one or two people. We often hear about ‘bullies’ and personality traits of bullies. The easy solution is to blame individual people, and sometimes to even remove them from the workplace.; however the story is often not that simple.

Click on the link to watch my video with Daniel Tolson and Robert Brus on ‘What contributes to toxic organisational culture’.


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